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We wanted a place where screenwriters could learn more about their craft and feature their work for producers to find.  "Hollywood" has been doing this with websites like InkTip, The Blacklist, Screenwriting Staff, and the former TriggerStreet for years!


So - why not us?


It has been said "Build it and they will come" which is a misquoting of the famous line "Build it and he will come" from Field of Dreams.  My point is - we built it - and now we need you to use it.  Submit your produced and unproduced screenplays, search for the next feature to produce, read previous scripts, and learn from them.


Me - I don't do this professionally - in fact, I am a Realtor (so if you are buying or selling... LOL). I feel called to share a ton of stories that I have bouncing around in my head.  Anything I know about screenwriting I have learned from books, podcasts, and reading other people's screenplays (see my list of over 8500 screenplays here).  Sure my screenplays might have formatting errors and might have some boring verbs scattered throughout but one can also learn from the mistakes of others.  I hope you enjoy them.  I know I enjoyed writing them and collaborating with 100's of talented people to bring them to life.  But mostly I enjoy reading the reviews and the letters from around the world from people who were affected by a little story that God put in my head.  And I thought the biggest screen they would ever be seen on was my computer screen...  Scott Peterson


What kinds of screenplays can be submitted?

To give you an idea of what type of screenplays we would like to see, I turn to an organization that I have tremendous respect for. We are looking for:


Screenplays that "encourage the production of feature films that are wholesome, uplifting and inspirational, and which result in a greater increase in either man's love or understanding of the one true Creator Triune God who came in the flesh and gave his life and was resurrected to save all mankind."  ~ The Kairos Prize for Spiritually Uplifting Screenplays


We also ask that there be:


  • No suggestion of nudity

  • No swearing

  • No taking of the Lord's name in vain

  • No gratuitous sex or violence

  • Biblical truths must be represented correctly


In your scripts, you should try to stay away from normalizing sin and acceptance of sin without repentance.


Lessons from Spirit in the Sky
Why is it important to make sure that you represent Biblical truths correctly?  
In 1969, a Jewish singer named Norm Greenbaum heard a Porter Wagner gospel song and decided to write one himself.  He sat down and in 15 minutes wrote Spirit in the Sky.  It is a catchy song with a memorable dirty guitar riff.  It shot up to number 3 on the charts and ended up being his only hit.  The problem is in the lyrics.  At one point Greenbaum declares "Never been a sinner, I never sinned, I got a friend in Jesus".  What if this song was the only exposure that a non-believer had with "Christian" music?  Intuitively they are keenly aware of what sin is, they know they sin and might turn away from Christianity just based upon those lyrics thinking "there's no hope for me because of my past (or even current) sins".  Imagine how much better the song would be had he ran the lyrics past someone with a good understanding of Christianity.  Before going into production on each of my movies, I run my scripts past my Pastors and others that I felt could give me credible guidance about the spiritual messages.


Protect Your Work

We also suggest that screenwriters protect their work by registering their work at the WGA West AND with the US Copyright office before sending screenplays to producers - anyone for that matter.


WGA West

US Copyright Office


Before you submit your screenplay you might be asked to sign a release by the production company.  As with all legal documents you should read them carefully and consult legal counsel.



Screenwriters, please share your produced scripts with us.  You can find most "Hollywood" scripts online and screenwriters have learned what to do and what not to do by reading them and learning from their successes. 


Send your unproduced screenplays to:


We also need your Unproduced work to feature here.  Send us:


Awards for this Screenplay:
Email Address:


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